Thursday, August 23, 2018

It's been a minute.

Hey there!

Turns out I'm really bad at being consistent at this. Here's how it happens: I have a few boring weeks so I don't write anything, and then by the time something interesting happens, I forget that I should write about it. Now it's mid-August and several interesting things have happened, and I haven't written about a single one of them!

Fun things that have happened:

-My dad came to see me! It was so fun spending the weekend just him and I. We went to all the farms and ate all the food and had a really good time. We also went to the Shakespeare Festival and saw Big River. (Spoiler: it was so, so good.) It's a musical, which I love, and the man who played Jim has the most beautiful voice. He and Huck singing together was Magical.

-I went to Texas! My best friend Jonna had her second baby and I had to go see them-- she's the cutest. I planned it so I would be there for most of XIT weekend and it was so good to be back. I forgot how much fun it is to be around all the festivities. It's strange because obviously, I don't live there and I'm not part of it anymore, but it's so comfortable and easy to slip back into Dalhart. I got to spend quite a bit of time with Jonna and family, but I also go to see a cousin I hadn't seen in a few years and spend some time with my Grandma. All in all, a very good trip!

-I got a new job! I'm still working at RE/MAX, but I got a part time job working for the local farmer's market. I've been at it about 3 weeks now, and it's so interesting to be behind the scenes. A lot more goes into it than I ever considered, and I'm really excited to make the market better! My title is Market Manager, and I'm working with another girl who has been at this job for almost 2 years. Right now we're working on getting more vendors and more sponsors, and we're going to get T-shirts!

I think that about covers the significant stuff. Other things have happened, I'm sure, but nothing comes to mind at the moment.

The Cedar City Half Marathon is in 2 weeks and I am reallllllly freaking out because I haven't been training like I should and I'm nowhere near ready. That blog will probably be mostly me complaining.

A few of my good friends are moving up North in the next month. I'm happy for them, because I think it's cool to move, but I'm also upset because I really would rather they stay here. (Because I'm here and I want to hang out.) But then, I guess, who knows how much longer I'll be here. My contract at my current job is up in December, so I could (probably) go anywhere.

I turn 25 in 9 days and I can't help but feel I've got a lot of decisions coming up. It also really scares me because 25 is mid-20's, and you know what comes after that? Late-20's.

What a life we live.

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