Wednesday, May 2, 2018


Hey there.

It's been raining here this week. Last week was beautiful-- blue skies, not a whisper of wind-- and by the time Saturday rolled around, the storm rolled with it. It was so stinking windy, and now this week has just been dreary and dull. Thankfully, it's supposed to clear up by this weekend, and I swear, it better not be windy on Saturday again. I've got plans! Be windy on a week day when I'm stuck at work!

Despite the wind, Saturday was still a very good day. Katie and I had breakfast at the Farmer's Market. This week's special was bacon and asparagus quiche. I loooove that quiche. It's perfect. Afterward, we strolled Main Street, got iced coffee, and browsed the stores. It's one of my favorite things to do on a lazy Saturday.

That night, we went to a small concert at the Improv Theatre. Gary Stockdale is a 2 time Emmy nominated musician with the voice of an angel. The concert was so much fun. I feel like I say that about every concert I go to, but seriously I just love live music. (I could have a good time even if they sucked, but they never do.) Plus he was funny! He and a Cedar local were on the stage with a piano and two guitars, and every song was beautiful, and I only cried once.

I enjoy small concerts like that because they're so intimate, but I do wish more people would show up. The only way theaters are going to be able to continue those kinds of shows is if people support them and by golly, I'm going to be there and support them.

Improv this week was not great for me, again, I was incredibly anxious about going, and then my scene partner and I absolutely bombed our scene. What we were doing was funny, I think, but it just wasn't the point of the game and ended up not being great. That was unfortunate, but I did learn something, and I think that's the point of these classes. Also, we're in a space that makes it ok to fail like that-- we're all here to learn-- so it wasn't so bad.

Our class has a show this Friday night and I'm so nervous. I haven't performed on a stage in this capacity ever in my entire life. I'm really, really excited, but really, really scared. I'll report more on that next week!

I'm happy to get this round of classes behind me. I can see improvement and I know that's it beneficial for me to continue, but it sure does take a lot out of me. The next round starts in June, so I'll have a nice little break. This doesn't mean that I'm not still loving it, because I am; it just means I need a few weeks to breathe. (Also! I'll get to go back to my favorite yoga and weights classes Wednesday nights!)

(Side story- I ran into one of the old ladies who takes the weights class, and we had a quick little chat about all the classes I've missed. I really like those ladies.)

Monday night was our last Spring volleyball game. We got to the very end of the tournament, and then ended up taking second. We were so disappointed because we played sloppily and getting that far and not winning is no fun. Even so, I'm happy to have had the opportunity to play with those girls. They're all so talented and passionate, and being in that environment every week in very fulfilling. Thankfully there's the fall season to look forward to-- I can't wait to play with them again!

I don't have much else to say. I try to do things throughout the week that are write-about-able, but this week, it just didn't happen. Next week's will be better I promise!

What a life we live ♡

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