Wednesday, April 29, 2015

8 Months Down


This week, I learned how totally and completely I take walking for granted. Turns out, it's a useful ability, because when suddenly you can't anymore, life gets a whole lot harder. 

Maybe I'm a little too dramatic, but honestly, this week has been a struggle. See, I can walk, but to get to anywhere useful, I have to walk uphill (which, you might have guessed, is harder than walking on a flat surface).

But, it hasn't been all bad. I can definitely tell that it's getting better, it's just frustrating to not be able to move like I want to. (Or as fast as I want to.)

I've had two class days this week and I'm currently working on one class project. Have I ever mentioned how happy I will be when I don't have group work looming over me for every class? Surely I have.

I've spent a lot of time sitting around my apartment this week trying to keep my foot elevated and generally staying off of it, and I'm happy to say that I have made some serious progress on HIMYM and House. Also, I just finished reading two books from a series about an Amish romance. If that's not something to be proud of, then... yeah, I need to get out more often.

Thankfully, for the rest of this week, I will be in Paris. I won't be doing anything too strenuous, but at least I'll be out of here for a little bit.

I cannot believe it's nearly May. Tomorrow, I can officially say that I'm going home this month. That's scary, and exhilarating. The sadness of leaving hasn't hit me yet, but the nerves and excitement of going home definitely has!

247 days down, 29 to go.

Je t'embrasse,

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